Spectrum of Flight
Purchase Spectrum of Flight
A chapbook of poetry by David Hanlon

Official release date February 18, 2020
In his debut chapbook, Spectrum of Flight, David Hanlon explores themes such as sexuality, homophobia, bullying, toxic masculinity, depression, love, resilience and, ultimately, recovery. Delving into deeply personal terrain, Hanlon exhumes an adolescence pummelled by name-calling that grew a beast of shame inside him and rendered him silent. In revisiting these painful experiences, and a resulting adulthood charred by the fluctuating and precarious nature of his mental health, he battles to reclaim his voice and grasp self-acceptance; to prize open the metal bars of his caged body: ‘a moulting of the internalised’, to spread his wings and soar: unleashing, and finally embracing, the spectrum of his identity.
Watch the trailer here!
USD$12 plus shipping