
Cover Reveal (Drum Roll Please…)

I’m so excited to be able to reveal our cover for “Mother, May I?” by Juliette van der Molen, which will be published in May, 2019 from Animal Heart Press.

This is a book you will want to read over and over. For us at Animal Heart, it led us to discover and reconcile a part of ourselves we had not before been able to articulate. That is the power of excellent poetry, and it is a constant privilege to spend time with poets as they lead people to process the material in their lives in a new way.

Mother, May I? Takes a closer look at the institution of motherhood as it is experienced in public and private. The poetry here is as unforgettable as the questions it raises; questions you might not have realized you had in the first place because they lived deep in your animal human bones.

So, without further ado, we present…..