
A Quick Chat With Featured Artist Julie Anderson

Our Assistant Editor, Amanda McLeod, had a quick chat with Featured Artist Julie Anderson about her inspirations, why we share the painful parts of ourselves, and the power of uncomfortable truths. Julie also shares her favourite poem from her new collection, Secrets And Lies.

Julie Anderson                              Amanda McLeod

Amanda McLeod: Parts of your book are incredibly raw and personal, yet you’ve chosen to share them with the world. Why do you think writers find such catharsis capturing those moments in words and returning to them, even when they’re painful?
Julie Anderson:  In my opinion – it is about digesting. Processing the intake, flushing the system, putting our emotions back in order. I also think that it is a form of validation.. given to the writer, by the writer. And lets not forget, once exposed our demons lose their power. 

AM: Your poetry book, Secrets And Lies, is incredibly diverse in form. Who are your poetic influences?
JA: I am a forever fan of Edgar Allen Poe! The poets on Feminine Collective rock my world.  Each syllable – every raw bite, keeps me going. 

AM: Your entire collection is incredible, but Sucker Punch really stood out to me. Can you tell us a little about that poem’s genesis?
JA: Thank you for the compliment.
Sucker Punch has to do with obsession – letting go of the one that got away. 

AM: Memories reads almost like a personal essay about finding reasons to move forward in incredibly dark times, and you speak of the power of words. How do you think writing, and particularly the writing of uncomfortable truths, can cause a shift in the construct of the feminine that has caused so much pain for a lot of womxn?
JA: I think that when we speak about our uncomfortable truths, we empower ourselves by the release of the forbidden. The shift happens when we find that “me too” moment. Women are complex, many times we are judgemental and bitchy. I don’t know why supporting each other is such a big deal, perhaps it is jealousy. By exposing our vulnerability – we give permission to ourselves and others to be authentic. Being REAL changes everything. 

AM: You are the Editor-In-Chief of Feminine Collective. What advice would you give aspiring writers – what do you wish you’d known when you were starting out?

JA: ”Write like you speak” – those four words delivered by a writing coach have stuck with me – that is the only fail-proof advice that I can pass along and what I wish I embraced earlier in my life and written disclosures. 
Julie’s favourite poem from her collection, Secrets And Lies:
“‘It’s Just Rock-n-Roll’ – I like it because it is a secret that holds a riddle inside.”

It’s Just Rock-n-Roll
Will I be your ever-adoring bitch? 
You smile, 
your celebrity stretches out, 
your ego undeniable, 
disgusting and absolute. 
Do I want to touch the devil inside? 
Shall I play a wicked game, 
I know that you are always watching. 
God only knows what I can do 
except hold back the tears 
You took off with my innocence, 
your celebrity leading the way. 
Torn I say, 
coiled in a striking position 
watching every move you make